


Fringe of the Fringe: Die Privilegien der Subkultur im Gedächtnis von Institutionen
18.20.11 2021, IMAI
NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf



The bequests of those who died of AIDS often formed the beginning of gay and queer archives in the 1980s. The need for queer collecting and archiving arose not only from the importance of AIDS activism and queer movement, but also from the often difficult relationship between gay people who had died of AIDS and their homophobic families. Often, the testimonies of gay life were not kept by family members, but by lovers and friends. This situation gave rise to the idea that there had to be a community place for the memory work of AIDS.  The trauma of AIDS is thus inscribed in queer archives. Trauma is also evident in the type of objects collected, for example everyday objects and ephemera. They give evidence to an unofficial historiography and a queer culture that did not yet have stable institutions. However, if AIDS is part of the founding history of queer archives, they have long since entered a phase of historicisation, with which their own collection practice is also self-reflexively addressed. This also includes reflections on how, for example, the history of HIV and AIDS relates to neoliberalism, namely in that in the wake of AIDS a new biopolitics was able to take place, creating the self-responsible and always controlled patient; or the question of how the AIDS crisis within the Western world did also lead to assimilation and current forms of homonormativity. At the same time, however, the question must be asked: How does the trauma of AIDS reverberate in the present?

What Remains of Aids? Trauma and Queer Memory at Schwules
Museum, Berlin
19.11. 2021, IMAI
NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf



Public lecture series in conjunction with the exhibition Intimacy: New Queer Art From Berlin And Beyond at Schwules Museum, Berlin. A cooperation between Leibniz Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), ICI Berlin, and Schwules Museum. Invited speakers: Prof. Susanna Paasonen (Turku), Prof. Jean-Luc Nancy (Bordeaux), Prof. Tim Dean (Urbana-Champaign)

Introduction and discussion with Tim Dean:
How to Have Sex in a Pandemic
26.4. 2021, ICI Berlin


Queer-theoretical accounts of intimacy in particular have been decisively shaped by readings of art and literature and psychoanalytic reflection. In this context, Tim Dean’s 2009 Unlimited Intimacy: Reflections on the Subculture of Barebacking has presented a crucial intervention. For Dean, the practice of condom-less sex and ‘breeding’ becomes a place to reinvent community and ethics. For the past ten years, Dean’s thinking has evolved around questions of infection, pharmaceutical regimes, and the forms of the self and the social that come with them. His talk ‘How to Have Sex in a Pandemic’ echoes the title of Douglas Crimp’s seminal 1987 essay about AIDS ‘How to Have Promiscuity in an Epidemic?’

This lecture series takes queer theory’s conversation about intimacy as a starting point to discuss some of its cultural possibilities, mediated forms, and philosophical trajectories in the context of Corona.

How to Have Sex in a Pandemic / Tim Dean
Introduction by Peter Rehberg
How to Have Sex in a Pandemic / Tim Dean
Introduction to Jean-Luc Nancy: Touche-touche
24.3. 2021, ICI Berlin


Jean-Luc Nancy has long considered touch to be central for an understanding of the relation between the self and the world, a crucial question of his philosophy he will also explore in his talk entitled ‘Touche –touche’His rethinking of community and the political from phenomenological and deconstructive perspectives directs our attention to the body and its ‘naked existence’ beyond metaphysics. The impact of this philosophical project on contemporary modes of being together is also demonstrated in his most recent publication on the Corona crisis, Un trop human virus (2020).

Introduction to Jean-Luc Nancy: Touche-touche
Introduction by Peter Rehberg
Introduction to Susanna Paasonen:
Infrastructures of Intimacy
and the Deplatforming of Sex
11.2. 2021, ICI BERLIN


Susanna Paasonen’s feminist and queer analysis focuses on the question of online pornography and new ways of connecting via platforms and chatrooms, as in her 2011 Carnal Resonance: Affect and Online Pornography. Taking exception from the prevalent techno-skepticism that summarizes online communication and representation uncontestably as forms of commodification and alienation, Paasonen’s talk ‘Infrastructures of Intimacy and the Deplatforming of Sex‘ discusses the stakes of the new potentials of getting together online – aesthetically, socially, sexually, and politically. For Paasonen it is the tactile dimensions of online encounters, more so than the visual, that affect us as ‘resonance’ or ‘grasp’ us.

Infrastructures of Intimacy
and the Deplatforming of Sex / Susanna Paasonen
Introduction by Peter Rehberg
Intimacy, Loss, Anonymity: Toward a Theory of Queer Neutrality, with John Paul Ricco
22.6. 2017, ICI Berlin


For the past 20 years, after having curated the Chicago exhibition ‘Disappeared’ on AIDS and an aesthetics of disappearance, John Paul Ricco has theorized erotic and aesthetic relations to loss and withdrawal tied to specific junctures of late-20th-century gay male culture and contemporary art and film. He has shown anonymity to be an irreducible relational form of the ethical – in particular in terms of social and sexual intimacy.

Intimacy, Loss, Anonymity: Toward a Theory of Queer Neutrality / John Paul Ricco
What Makes a Man: Sexuality and Representation in Europe-Middle East Encounters,
with Tarek el-Ariss and others
18. 5. 2017, ICI Berlin


Questions about sexuality, gender, and religion in the East and West have dominated debates in Germany and other European countries since the beginning of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in the summer of 2015. Despite all claims as to the unprecedented nature of the displacement and its root causes, German media attention is becoming increasingly transfixed by an all-too-familiar construction of ‘oriental’ masculinity.

An ICI Event, organized by Peter Rehberg, Tarek El-Ariss, and John Borneman, in cooperation with Europe in the Middle East – the Middle East in Europe (EUME), a programme at the Forum Transregionale Studien

What Makes a Man: Sexuality and Representation in Europe-Middle East Encounters
Introduction by Peter Rehberg

Individual Papers and
Invited Presentations at Conferences


“Jenseits des Hipsters: Queere Positionen im Fanzine Butt im Kontext aktueller Identitätspolitik.” Transnational Periodical Cultures, Universität Mainz.

“European Politics & Queer Subjectivities at the Eurovision Song Contest.” Department of German Studies, University of Texas at Austin.


“Queer Intimacy/Intimate Queerness: Einige Bilder von Doron Langberg.” Intervenierende Intimitäten (conference). Universität der Künste, Berlin.

“Beyond the Hipster: Queer Sexual Politics in Contemporary Visual Culture.” LGBT Center, University of Louisville, KY.

“Hipster Porn Revisited: Daddyland and Lesbian Force.” Institute for German Cultural Studies, Cornell University.


“Wie queer sind schwule Männlichkeiten? Normativität und Anti-Normativität in Bild- und Medienkulturen des 21. Jahrhunderts“ (Keynote). Queere Männlichkeiten in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

“What Remains of AIDS? Trauma and Queer Memory at Schwules Museum, Berlin.” Ohio German Studies Workshop. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.


“What Remains of AIDS? Trauma and Queer Memory at Schwules Museum, Berlin.” Fringe of the Fringe: Die Privilegien der Subkultur im Gedächtnis von Institutionen. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and Stiftung Inter Media Art Institute.

“Clones in the Museum: Exhibiting Gay Masculinities Now.” Hal Fischer Symposium. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Krannart Art Museum.

“Should Schwules Museum be renamed as Queer Museum?” What Happened to Lesbian and Gay Studies? ICI Berlin

“Queere Affekte und Sammlungspraxis: Die Porno-Alben von Siegmar Piske in der Sammlung des Schwulen Museums.” Sexualitäten Sammeln: Von Körperpraktiken, Beziehungen und grenzüberschreitenden Objekten. Hygiene Museum Dresden


“How Queer Matters: Tendenzen und Missverständnisse im deutschsprachigen Queer-Diskurs.” Theater* im queeren Alltag und Aktivismus der 1970er und 1980er Jahre. Institut für Theaterwissenschaft. Freie Universität Berlin

“What is a Queer Archive? Practices and Politics at Schwules Museum, Berlin.” International Memory and History Conference. Kaos GL. Izmir

“Failure as Victory: The Cultural Capital of Queer Desire at Eurovision.” Eurovisions: Perspectives from the Social Sciences, Humanities, and from the Arts. Tel Aviv University

“Was macht ein Archiv queer? Politik und Praxis in der Sammlung des Schwulen Museums.” Was bleibt? What remains? Frank Wagner Symposium. Kunstwerke – Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin

“Hipster Porn: Queere Männlichkeiten und affektive Sexualitäten im Fanzine Butt.” Folkwang Universität der Künste

“Celebrities beim Eurovision Song Contest: Queer oder Commodity Camp?” Institut für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften. Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf


“Beyond Orientalism and Police Surveillance: The Opaqueness of Male Forms in the Photographs of George Awde.” Gegen /Dokumentation. Ruhr Universität, Bochum

“One-Hit-Wonder oder Micro-Celebrities? Die Produktion von Stars beim Eurovision Song Contest.” Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig

“Queering the Spectacle of the Arab Migrant.” Department of German. University of Georgia at Athens

“Hipster or Arab? Queer Male Forms at Schwules Museum, Berlin.” Exhibiting Post-Colonialism: Museum Culture and Public Discourse in Contemporary Germany and Europe. University of Illinois at Chicago and Goethe Institute Chicago

“Queer Celebrities.” School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. University of Chicago at Illinois


“Fag Limbo: Affektive Persönlichkeiten in postpornographischen Medienumgebungen.” Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

“Echt Porno! Zum Verhältnis von Narrativität und Medialität in der Online-Pornographie.” Ruhr-Universität Bochum

“Queer Homelessness.” Learning from Documenta. Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens

“Introduction.” Intimacy, Loss, Anonymity: Toward a Theory of Queer Neutrality. ICI Berlin

“Key Note.” What Makes a Man? Sexuality and Representation in Europe-Middle-East Encounters. ICI Berlin


“Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: Camp Aesthetics and National Representation at the Eurovision Song Contest.” Popular Music in Postwar German Culture. German Studies Workshop. The University of Texas at Austin


“’The Revolution Is My Boyfriend’: Sexual Utopia in Postpornography.” The German Discovery of Sex: A Workshop. Clark University, Worcester, MA

“Grunts and Monsters: Online Media Practices and Queer Fanzines.” Connect and Divide: The Practice Turn in Media Studies. 3. Medienwissenschaftliches Symposion der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation, Chiemsee


“Queer Pleasure in Foucault and Marcuse.” Radical Politics, Critical Aesthetics, Queer Pleasure: A Workshop on Herbert Marcuse. Cornell University

“Gender als ästhetische Form: Männlichkeiten in den Fotografien von Wolfgang Tillmans.” Institut für Medienkultur und Theater, Universität Köln

“Homophobie, Religiöse Rechte und Popkultur in den USA.” Kulturwissenschaftiches Institut Essen


“Homophobie in Europa.” Homophobie, Sexismus unter Männern und andere Heteroängste (workshop). Gunda-Werner-Institut in der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien Humboldt Universität, Berlin


“Gagaism: Self-Fashioning in Pornographie und Pop.” Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig


“Popfrauen und Pornomänner: Self-Fashioning in der Postmoderne.”
Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

“Lena – Lolita – Lulu: Or, Eurovision’s Queer Comeback.” Feeling European: The Eurovision Song Contest and the European Public Sphere (international workshop). Fachhochschule Düsseldorf


“Eurovision: It’s Oh So Queer!” Setting the Agenda for Eurovision Studies (international conference). Department for Critical Studies in Television, University of Oslo


“Dancing Europe: Verka Serduchka as Allegory for the (Im)possibility of European Unity.” Eurovision Song Contest and the ‘New Europe’ (international conference). University of Warwick


“Ironische Männlichkeiten: Prollige Homos, dandyhafte Heten – ist das queer?” University of Madrid


“Queer Nationality and Camp Mainstream in the Eurovision Song Contest.” Queer Eurovision Conference. University of Helsinki

“Homoskin: Weder Dandy noch Drag Queen.” Institut für vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Bonn


“Zukunft von Gender: Zeitlichkeit im Kontext von Performativitäts-Konzepten.” Screening Gender: Körper und Geschlecht im Kontext von Kulturwissenschaft, Bio-Technologien und Kunst/Literatur. Universität Hamburg


“German Studies: A Gay Science?” Annual DAAD Weekend. Cornell University


Der Philosoph als Transvestit.” 1. Kasseler Komik-Kolloquium: Haben Frauen nichts zu lachen? Genderstudien zur Kunst des Komischen. Universität Kassel


Other Conference Papers


“Did Ru Paul Kill Eurovision? Fan Culture, New Media and Celebrities.” Eurovisions 6th Edition.
Representing oneself and the other: How Eurovision is shaping the perception of countries and cultures. Hope University, Liverpool.

“Stars on and off the stage: The Eurovision Song Contest in the age of microcelebrity.” ‘Love, Love, Peace, Peace’: Political and Queer Theory in the European Song Contest. The University of Edinburgh. Together with Prof. Karen Fricker.


“Stars on and off the Stage: The Eurovision Song Contest in the Age of Microcelebrity.” Universo per Eurovision Song Contest. Università degli Studi di Torino. Together with Prof. Karen Fricker.


“Eurovision’s Failed Celebrities.” 4th Celebrity Studies Conference: Desecrating Celebrity. Sapienza University, Rome


“‘Bärtige Männer nackt auf Matratzenlager.’ Post-and Pre-Aids Representations of Gay Masculinity.” A Golden Age for Queer Sexual Politics? Lesbian and Gay Literature and Film in 1970s Germany. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

“Masochism and the Affective Spectator.” Sensibility & the Senses: Media Bodies Practices. 11. NECS – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies – Conference. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Paris


“Virtual Intimacies: Gay Men’s Online Media Practices.” Sex and the Cinema Conference. Kent University, Canterbury, UK

“Can Pornography Bring Us Together?” In/Between – Cultures of Connectivity. 10. NECS – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies – Conference. Universität Potsdam


“Drive, Pleasure, Affect: Sexual Temporalities in Post-Pornography.” Affect Theory Conference: Worldings, Tensions, Futures. Millersville University, Lancaster, PA

“De-activated Masculinities: Male Bodies as Aesthetic Forms in the Queer Fanzine Butt.” Thinking Through Deleuze: Nomadic Subjects, Global Citizenship and Posthumanism. Brock University, St. Catharines, CA


“‘We always try to make a connection between sexuality and for instance doing dishes and psychotherapy.’ Affective Sexualities In the Queer Fanzine Butt.” Where Is Frankfurt Now? Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main


“Butch Turn: Schwule Männlichkeitsentwürfe nach Aids.” 1. LSBTI-Wissenschaftskongress. Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld, Berlin

“Transnational Post Porn.” Transnationalisms: Sexualities, Fantasies, and the World Beyond (seminar). German Studies Association Conference, Denver

”Queer Fanzines as Post-Pornographic Utopia.” XI MAGIS International Film Studies Spring School. University of Udine, Gorizia


“‘Die Polizei, dein Freund und Helfer’ Tatort’s Impeccable Detectives.” Crime Scene Germany (panel). German Studies Association Conference, Milwaukee

“Narratives of HIV in the 21st Century.” Gender and Sexual Health: Literary, Cultural, or Historical Comparisons (seminar). ACLA. Brown University, Providence

“‘It’s Like the Seventies, Just without Hope’: Post-Pornographic Aesthetics in the Queer Fanzine BUTT.” After ‘Homosexual’: The Legacies of Gay Liberation (international conference). Victoria University and La Trobe University, Melbourne


“Understanding Sexuality: Madonna.” MMLA, Chicago


Individual Presentations
(Non-Academic Institutions)


“Matt Lambert & Peter Rehberg“. Queer Festival Heidelberg 2022


“Zum Lachen: Ist Kafka ein komischer Autor?” Museum Folkwang, Essen


“(Wie) funktioniert queere Multiperspektivität? Zum Verhältnis verschiedener queerer Gruppen am Beispiel der Ausstellung ‘Intimacy: New Queer Art from Berlin and Beyond’ des Schwulen Museums Berlin.” Akademie Waldschlösschen


“Für den Arsch: Schwule Sexualpolitik damals und heute.” Männerakademie München. Sub-Zentrum

“Queer Fanzines as Post-Pornographic Utopia.” Village Berlin


“Der ‘arabische Mann’: Bilder zwischen Angst und Begehren.” Männerakademie München. Sub-Zentrum


“Virtuelle Intimität: Sexuelle Begegnungen in Chaträumen und auf Dating-Apps.” Akademie Waldschlösschen

“Vom ‘Clone’ zum Hipster: Das schwule Männerbild im Porno.” 20. Pink Apple Lesbian and Gay Filmfestival, Zürich


“Cruising Utopia 2.0.” Lesbisch-schwule Filmtage Hamburg


“It’s Oh So Queer! – Queerness und Mainstream Kultur beim Eurovision Song Contest.” 16. Pink Apple Lesbian and Gay Filmfestival, Zürich


“Moden und Mimosen – Heteronormativität in den Medien.” ‘Die Revolution haben wir uns anders vorgestellt.’ Taz – Medienkongress. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin


“‘… still wonder where his male identity is’ – Bjarne Melgaard’s Ruin of Masculinity.” Feminism in the Art World – Reflections on Feminist Influences on Art (seminar). Nasjonalmuseet Oslo


“Queer Nation? The United States 40 Years After Stonewall.” Amerikahaus, Tübingen

“Queer Nation? The United States 40 Years After Stonewall.” Amerikahaus, Freiburg

“Pornoautobiographie: Über Todd Verrow’s Film ‘Where Your Heart Should Be’.” Pornonorm – ein Diskurs über Pornografie (symposion). WUK (Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus), Vienna


“Queer Ecstasy.” The Politics of Ecstasy (international cultural festival). Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin

“Beyond Pornography – Sexual Culture in Berlin’s Lab.Oratory.” Porn Film Festival, Berlin


“Representing Masculinity in Fassbinder and Sirk.” Nasjonalmuseet Oslo


Workshops, Roundtable
Discussions, Book Presentations


“Eurovision and the ‘New’ Europe: Identities, Feelings, and Politics in the Eurovision Song Contest.” Eu(ro)vision Day at Malmö University. University of Malmö.

“Scoping Workshop: Kritische Pornografie Forschung.” Volkswagen-Stiftung, Hannover.


“Archiving Queer BIPOC* Histories”, together with Thao Ho and Tarek Shukrallah. Schwules Museum, Berlin.

“Aufarbeitung, Akten, Archive – Zum Umgang mit sensiblen Dokumenten“. Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs, Berlin.


“Porn Archive Workshop“, Schwules Museum, Berlin.

“Erfahrungen mit Aufarbeitung.“ Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Meike Baader. Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch und pädosexuelle Netzwerke. Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs, Berlin.


“Queer Community: Zusammen oder gegeneinander?” Roundtable discussion together with Dr. Birgit Bosold and Dr. Claudia Reiche. Thealit, Bremen

“Masculinity and National Identity.” Roundtable discussion together with Dr. Ashley Morgan, Dr. João Florêncio, Ben Miller, Dr. Ian Sergent, and Dr. José Arroyo. Masculinity, Sex, and Popular Culture Research Network. Schwules Museum, Berlin


“Die Verqueerung der Welt: Themen und Formen nach Hubert Fichte.” Roundtable discussion together with Prof. Brigitte Weingart, Nadja Abt and Jasco Viefhues. Schwules Museum in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

“Hipster Porn” Book presentation and discussion. Queeres Verlegen (queer book fair). Aquarium, Berlin

“Für den Arsch.” Book presentation and panel discussion together with Tobias Haberkorn and Morten Paul. Goldrausch, Berlin

“Für den Arsch.” Book presentation and panel discussion together with Morten Paul. Freitagsküche, Frankfurt a.M.

“Queer as German Folk: Queer Culture.” Panel discussion. Goethe Institute, Toronto

“Stonewall was a Riot!“ Panel discussion with Edmund White, Eileen Myles, and Jericho Brown. 20. Poesiefestival Berlin

“Hipster Porn: Queere Männlichkeiten und affektive Sexualitäten im Fanzine Butt.” Book presentation and panel discussion together with Prof. Brigitte Weingart and Dr. Michael Bucher. Schwules Museum, Berlin


“Queer Cinema.” Book presentation and roundtable discussion together with Prof. Simon Dickel and Prof. Dagmar Brunow. Linke Buchtage, Berlin


“Selbstdokumentation und Affektkulturen.” Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Brigitte Weingart, auf Einladung des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs Das Dokumentarische: Exzess und Entzug, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

“Pugs in Love: Queer Weekend. Roundtable Discussion. Gorki Theater,

“Queeres Post-Cinema”. Book presentation and discussion with Prof. Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky. Buchhandlung Walther König, Berlin


“Transforming Europe, One City at a Time.” Roundtable Discussion. The Eurovision Song Contest and the Changing Europe. Conference organized by
the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Sverige Television. The Stockholm School of Economics


“Sexual Pathologies.” Workshop. German Studies Association Conference, Kansas City

“Teaching TV: Tatort and Eurovision as Examples of German Popular Culture” (organizer). Proseminar for Faculty and Graduate Students. Dept. of Germanic Studies, The University of Texas at Austin

“Learning from Jose Munoz”: A Teach-in Symposion. The LGTQ Research Cluster, The University of Texas at Austin


“The Future of German Studies in North America” (organizer). Annual DAAD-Meeting, German Studies Association Conference, Denver


“Sexuality as History” (organizer). Proseminar for Faculty and Graduate Students. Dept. of Germanic Studies, The University of Texas at Austin


Invited Papers
(Academic Institutions)


“Hipster Porn: Queere Männlichkeiten und affektive Sexualitäten im Fanzine Butt.” Folkwang Universität der Künste

“Celebrities beim Eurovision Song Contest: Queer oder Commodity Camp?”
Institut für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften. Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf


“One-Hit-Wonder oder Micro-Celebrities? Die Produktion von Stars beim Eurovision Song Contest.” Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig

“Queering the Spectacle of the Arab Migrant.” Department of German. University of Georgia at Athens

“Queer Celebrities.” School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. University of Chicago at Illinois


“Fag Limbo: Affektive Persönlichkeiten in postpornographischen Medienumgebungen.” Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

“Echt Porno! Zum Verhältnis von Narrativität und Medialität in der Online-
Pornographie.” Ruhr-Universität Bochum


“Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: Camp Aesthetics and National Representation at the Eurovision Song Contest.” Popular Music in Postwar German Culture. German Studies Workshop. The University of Texas at Austin


“’The Revolution Is My Boyfriend’: Sexual Utopia in Postpornography.” The German Discovery of Sex: A Workshop. Clark University, Worcester, MA


“Queer Pleasure in Foucault and Marcuse.” Radical Politics, Critical Aesthetics, Queer Pleasure: A Workshop on Herbert Marcuse. Cornell University

“Gender als ästhetische Form: Männlichkeiten in den Fotografien von Wolfgang Tillmans.” Institut für Medienkultur und Theater, Universität Köln

“Homophobie, Religiöse Rechte und Popkultur in den USA.” Kulturwissenschaftiches Institut Essen


“Homophobie in Europa.” Homophobie, Sexismus unter Männern und andere Heteroängste (workshop). Gunda-Werner-Institut in der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien Humboldt Universität, Berlin


Gagaism: Self-Fashioning in Pornographie und Pop.” Hochschule für
Bildende Künste Braunschweig


“Popfrauen und Pornomänner: Self-Fashioning in der Postmoderne.”
Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

“Lena – Lolita – Lulu: Or, Eurovision’s Queer Comeback.” Feeling European: The Eurovision Song Contest and the European Public Sphere (international workshop). Fachhochschule Düsseldorf


“Eurovision: It’s Oh So Queer!” Setting the Agenda for Eurovision Studies (international conference). Department for Critical Studies in Television, University of Oslo


“Dancing Europe: Verka Serduchka as Allegory for the (Im)possibility of
European Unity.” Eurovision Song Contest and the ‘New Europe’ (international conference). University of Warwick


“Ironische Männlichkeiten: Prollige Homos, dandyhafte Heten – ist das queer?” University of Madrid


“Queer Nationality and Camp Mainstream in the Eurovision Song Contest.”
Queer Eurovision Conference. University of Helsinki

“Homoskin: Weder Dandy noch Drag Queen.” Institut für vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Bonn


“Zukunft von Gender: Zeitlichkeit im Kontext von Performativitäts-Konzepten.” Screening Gender: Körper und Geschlecht im Kontext von Kulturwissenschaft, Bio-Technologien und Kunst/Literatur. Universität Hamburg


“German Studies: A Gay Science?” Annual DAAD Weekend. Cornell


“Der Philosoph als Transvestit” 1. Kasseler Komik-Kolloquium: Haben Frauen nichts zu lachen? Genderstudien zur Kunst des Komischen. Universität Kassel


Invited Papers
(Non-academic Institutions)


“Zum Lachen: Ist Kafka ein komischer Autor?” Museum Folkwang, Essen


“(Wie) funktioniert queere Multiperspektivität? Zum Verhältnis verschiedener queerer Gruppen am Beispiel der Ausstellung ‘Intimacy: New Queer Art from Berlin and Beyond’ des Schwulen Museums Berlin.” Akademie Waldschlösschen


“Für den Arsch: Schwule Sexualpolitik damals und heute.” Männerakademie München. Sub-Zentrum

“Queer Fanzines as Post-Pornographic Utopia.” Village Berlin


“Der ‘arabische Mann’: Bilder zwischen Angst und Begehren.” Männerakademie München. Sub-Zentrum


“Virtuelle Intimität: Sexuelle Begegnungen in Chaträumen und auf Dating-Apps.” Akademie Waldschlösschen

“Vom ‘Clone’ zum Hipster: Das schwule Männerbild im Porno.” 20. Pink
Apple Lesbian and Gay Filmfestival, Zürich


“Cruising Utopia 2.0.” Lesbisch-schwule Filmtage Hamburg


“It’s Oh So Queer! – Queerness und Mainstream Kultur beim Eurovision
Song Contest.” 16. Pink Apple Lesbian and Gay Filmfestival, Zürich


“Moden und Mimosen – Heteronormativität in den Medien.” ‘Die Revolution
haben wir uns anders vorgestellt.’ Taz – Medienkongress. Haus der Kulturen
der Welt, Berlin


“‘… still wonder where his male identity is’ – Bjarne Melgaard’s Ruin of
Masculinity.” Feminism in the Art World – Reflections on Feminist
Influences on Art (seminar). Nasjonalmuseet Oslo


“Queer Nation? The United States 40 Years After Stonewall.” Amerikahaus,

“Queer Nation? The United States 40 Years After Stonewall.” Amerikahaus,

“Pornoautobiographie: Über Todd Verrow’s Film ‘Where Your Heart Should Be’.” Pornonorm – ein Diskurs über Pornografie (symposion). WUK (Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus), Vienna


“Queer Ecstasy.” The Politics of Ecstasy (international cultural festival).
Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin

“Beyond Pornography – Sexual Culture in Berlin’s Lab.Oratory.” Porn Film
Festival, Berlin


“Representing Masculinity in Fassbinder and Sirk.” Nasjonalmuseet Oslo






“What Remains of AIDS?: Trauma and Queer Memory at Schwules Museum, Berlin.” Fringe of the Fringe: Die Privilegien der Subkultur im Gedächtnis von Institutionen. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and Stiftung Inter Media Art Institute.

“Clones in the Museum: Exhibiting Gay Masculinities Now.” Hal Fischer Symposium. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Krannart Art Museum.

“Should Schwules Museum be renamed as Queer Museum?” What Happened to Lesbian and Gay Studies? ICI Berlin


“How Queer Matters: Tendenzen und Missverständnisse im deutschsprachigen Queer-Diskurs.” Theater* im queeren Alltag und Aktivismus der 1970er und 1980er Jahre. Institut für Theaterwissenschaft. Freie Universität Berlin

“Failure as Victory: The Cultural Capital of Queer Desire at Eurovision.” Eurovisions: Perspectives from the Social Sciences, Humanities, and from the Arts. Tel Aviv University


“Hipster or Arab? Queer Male Forms at Schwules Museum, Berlin.” Exhibiting Post-Colonialism: Museum Culture and Public Discourse in Contemporary Germany and Europe. University of Illinois at Chicago and Goethe Institute Chicago

“Eurovision’s Failed Celebrities.” 4th Celebrity Studies Conference: Desecrating Celebrity. Sapienza University, Rome

“Beyond Orientalism and Police Surveillance: The Opaqueness of Male Forms in the Photographs of George Awde.” Gegen /Dokumentation. Ruhr Universität, Bochum


“‘Bärtige Männer nackt auf Matratzenlager.’ Post-and Pre-Aids Representations of Gay Masculinity.” A Golden Age for Queer Sexual Politics? Lesbian and Gay Literature and Film in 1970s Germany. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

“Masochism and the Affective Spectator.” Sensibility & the Senses: Media Bodies Practices. 11. NECS – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies – Conference. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Paris

“Introduction.” Intimacy, Loss, Anonymity: Toward a Theory of Queer Neutrality. ICI Berlin

“Key Note.” What Makes a Man? Sexuality and Representation in Europe-Middle-East Encounters. ICI Berlin


“Virtual Intimacies: Gay Men’s Online Media Practices.” Sex and the Cinema Conference. Kent University, Canterbury, UK

“Can Pornography Bring Us Together?” In/Between – Cultures of Connectivity. 10. NECS – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies – Conference. Universität Potsdam


“Drive, Pleasure, Affect: Sexual Temporalities in Post-Pornography.” Affect Theory Conference: Worldings, Tensions, Futures. Millersville University, Lancaster, PA

“Grunts and Monsters: Online Media Practices and Queer Fanzines.” Connect and Divide: The Practice Turn in Media Studies. 3. Medienwissenschaftliches Symposion der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft /German Research Foundation, Chiemsee

“De-activated Masculinities: Male Bodies as Aesthetic Forms in the Queer Fanzine Butt.” Thinking Through Deleuze: Nomadic Subjects, Global Citizenship and Posthumanism. Brock University, St. Catha


“‘We always try to make a connection between sexuality and for instance doing dishes and psychotherapy.’ Affective Sexualities In the Queer Fanzine Butt.” Where Is Frankfurt Now? Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main


“Transnational Post Porn.” Transnationalisms: Sexualities, Fantasies, and the World Beyond (seminar). German Studies Association Conference, Denver

“Queer Fanzines as Post-Pornographic Utopia.” XI MAGIS International Film Studies Spring School. University of Udine, Gorizia


“‘Die Polizei, dein Freund und Helfer’ Tatort’s Impeccable Detectives.” Crime Scene Germany (panel). German Studies Association Conference, Milwaukee

“Narratives of HIV in the 21st Century.” Gender and Sexual Health: Literary, Cultural, or Historical Comparisons (seminar). ACLA. Brown University, Providence

“‘It’s Like the Seventies, Just without Hope’: Post-Pornographic Aesthetics in the Queer Fanzine BUTT.” After ‘Homosexual’: The Legacies of Gay Liberation (international conference). Victoria University and La Trobe University, Melbourne


“Understanding Sexuality: Madonna.” MMLA, Chicago






“Queere Affekte und Sammlungspraxis: Die Porno-Alben von Siegmar Piske in der Sammlung des Schwulen Museums.” Sexualitäten Sammeln: Von Körperpraktiken, Beziehungen und grenzüberschreitenden Objekten. Hygiene Museum Dresden


“What is a Queer Archive? Practices and Politics at Schwules Museum, Berlin.” International Memory and History Conference. Kaos GL. Izmir

“Was macht ein Archiv queer? Politik und Praxis in der Sammlung des Schwulen Museums.” Was bleibt? What remains? Frank Wagner Symposium. Kunstwerke – Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin


“Queer Homelessness.” Learning from Documenta. Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens


“Butch Turn: Schwule Männlichkeitsentwürfe nach Aids.” 1. LSBTI-Wissenschaftskongress. Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld, Berlin

Workshops, Roundtable
Discussions, and
Book Presentations



“Selbstdokumentation und Affektkulturen.” Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Brigitte Weingart, auf Einladung des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs Das Dokumentarische: Exzess und Entzug, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


“Sexual Pathologies.” Workshop. German Studies Association Conference, Kansas City

“Teaching TV: Tatort and Eurovision as Examples of German Popular Culture” (organizer). Proseminar for Faculty and Graduate Students. Dept. of Germanic Studies, The University of Texas at Austin

Learning from Jose Munoz: A Teach-in Symposion. The LGTQ Research Cluster, The University of Texas at Austin


“The Future of German Studies in North America” (organizer). Annual DAAD-Meeting, German Studies Association Conference, Denver


“Sexuality as History” (organizer). Proseminar for Faculty and Graduate Students. Dept. of Germanic Studies, The University of Texas at Austinn

Workshops, Roundtable
Discussions, and
Book Presentations



“Porn Archive Workshop“ Schwules Museum, Berlin.

“Erfahrungen mit Aufarbeitung“ Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Meike Baader. Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch und pädosexuelle Netzwerke. Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs, Berlin.


Queer Community: Zusammen oder gegeneinander?” Roundtable discussion together with Dr. Birgit Bosold and Dr. Claudia Reiche. Thealit, Bremen

“Masculinity and National Identity.” Roundtable discussion together with Dr. Ashley Morgan, Dr. João Florêncio, Ben Miller, Dr. Ian Sergent, and Dr. José Arroyo. Masculinity, Sex, and Popular Culture Research Network. Schwules Museum, B


“Die Verqueerung der Welt: Themen und Formen nach Hubert Fichte.” Roundtable discussion together with Prof. Brigitte Weingart, Nadja Abt and Jasco Viefhues. Schwules Museum in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

“Hipster Porn” Book presentation and discussion. Queeres Verlegen (queer book fair). Aquarium, Berlin

“Für den Arsch.” Book presentation and panel discussion together with Tobias Haberkorn and Morten Paul. Goldrau

“Für den Arsch.” Book presentation and panel discussion together with Morten Paul. Freitagsküche, Frankfurt a.M.

“Queer as German Folk: Queer Culture.” Panel discussion. Goethe Institute, Toronto

“Stonewall was a Riot!“ Panel discussion with Edmund White, Eileen Myles, and Jericho Brown. Poesiefestival Berlin

“Hipster Porn: Queere Männlichkeiten und affektive Sexualitäten im Fanzine Butt.” Book presentation and panel discussion together with Prof. Brigitte Weingart and Dr. Michael Bucher. Schwules Museum, Berlin


“Queer Cinema.” Book presentation and roundtable discussion together with Prof. Simon Dickel and Prof. Dagmar Brunow. Linke Buchtage, Berlin


“Pugs in Love: Queer Weekend.” Roundtable Discussion. Gorki Theater, Berlin

“Queeres Post-Cinema.” Book presentation and discussion with Prof. Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky. Buchhandlung Walther König, Berlin


“Transforming Europe, One City at a Time.” Roundtable Discussion. The Eurovision Song Contest and the Changing Europe. Conference organized by
the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Sverige Television. The Stockholm School of Economics

Organization of Conferences, Workshops, and Lecture Series



Intimacy. Public lecture series in conjunction with the exhibition Intimacy: New Queer Art From Berlin And Beyond at Schwules Museum, Berlin. A cooperation between Leibniz Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), ICI Berlin, and Schwules Museum. Invited speakers: Prof. Susanna Paasonen (Turku), Prof. Jean-Luc Nancy (Bordeaux), Prof. Tim Dean (Urbana-Champaign).


Research Network Masculinity and Popular Culture (MascNet). Steering committee member. Birmingham, Berlin, and Barcelona


Exhibiting Post-Colonialism: Museum Culture and Public Discourse in Contemporary Germany and Europe. Conference organizer. University of Illinois at Chicago and Goethe Institute Chicago


Intimacy, Loss, Anonymity: Toward a Theory of Queer Neutrality. Workshop organizer (together with Prof. John Paul Ricco, Toronto). ICI Berlin

What Makes a Man? Sexuality and Representation in Europe – Middle East Encounters. Conference organizer (together with Prof. Tarek El-Ariss, Dartmouth and Prof. John Borneman, Princeton). ICI Berlin


Once upon a time in the East: On GDR Culture. Lecture series organizer (together with Prof. Sabine Hake). The University of Texas at Austin


Migration/Immigration. Lecture series organizer (together with Prof. Sabine Hake, Prof. Kit Belgum, and Prof. Hans Boas). The University of Texas at Aus

Organization of Conferences, Workshops, and Lecture Series



Die Verqueerung der Welt: Formen und Inhalte nach Hubert Fichte. Workshop organizer (together with Prof. Brigitte Weingart). Schwules Musuem, Berlin

ALMS Queering Memory Conference Berlin. Steering committee member. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin


Bilder vom ‘arabischen Mann’: Ängste, Begehren und Herausforderungen. Workshop organzier (together with Ashkan Sephavand). Akademie Waldschlösschen

Doppelpass: Lesben, Schwule und der Feminismus. Conference organizer (together with Dr. Birgit Bosold). Schwules Museum, Berlin